Spay and neuter

World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare celebrated annually on October 4th  the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

He was born in the 12th century in a wealthy family, but he gave up all his possesions and became the patron of the ones in need, especially poor people, sick people and animals. It is said that he performed miracles and he was able to speak to all kinds of animals.

On World Animal Day this year, we speak to pet owners. Our aim is to highlight the importance of spaying and neutering, because every year, thousands and thousands of unwanted pets are born and end up abandoned on the streets or in some overcrowded shelter. Without a family taking care of them, their short life is full of starvation, fear and suffering.

We encourage everyone not to be the part of the problem, but to be the part of the solution.

It is simple: spay and neuter your pets, and save lives.